Open the Door to Your Inner Sanctuary With Chanting: Find Confidence, Calm & Inspiration Inside a Daily Practice of Kirtan & Mantra
On Tuesday March 29 on a free online event, Nina will share how the rainbow bridge across land and seas connected the traditional chanting from my ancestral home in India to the yoga-world of the west and how that was important for me to understand the benefits of chanting on our minds and our hearts
How do we find a place to rest, to take sanctuary? This place lives within each of us, and we can access it through the daily discipline of a devotional chanting practice. Just knowing that this sanctuary exists can soften anxiety and clear a more open path as we walk through life.
And, when you enter this practice intentionally — day after day — the foundations of this sanctuary grow stronger such that our confidence in the practice develops with a clearer mind and an ever-opening heart to carry us through the day, one step at a time, moment-to-moment.
We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available
The event will be on March 29 at 8:30pm ET, you can find your local time using this
You can register here for free: