A conversation between Nina Rao and Devadas about Nina’s new CD “Antarayaami, Knower of All Hearts”.
Find out how the project began, Nina’s family legacy on the CD and the joys and challenges of making a devotional CD.
One of Krishna Das's long time band mates, Nina Rao, has released a solo project. SiriusXM Krishna Das Yoga Radio celebrates Nina's CD release of Anatarayaami - Knower of All Hearts, with a conversation between her and her producer, Devadas, while playing select tracks off of Antarayaami!
Join us tomorrow on ch. 360 on Krishna Das Yoga Radio at 12 noon ET!
The CD is available on Amazon, iTunes and KrishnaDas.com
http://www.amazon.com/Antarayaami-Knower.../dp/B00BFKPO5KIt is truly a beautiful CD.
Mary Sue, Sirius XM
Nina Rao & Devadas