In this four-week course, Ram Dass' Yoga of Heartfulness, you will dive into these themes to gain agency over your life in a world that often seems overwhelming, isolating, polarized and apathetic.
Ram Dass lived from a place of heartfulness more often than not. Most of the time living this way is easier said than done. But it's totally possible for every single one of us.
What does heartfulness mean? It suggests using your everyday life as a practice space for loving awareness. Starting May 15th for a four-week course, Ram Dass' Yoga of Heartfulness.
Week 1 - The PATH OF THE HEART: Embodying what the Heart Knows
Week 2 - THE PATH OF DEVOTION: Nurturing the Merging of Heart and Mind
Week 3 - THE PATH OF GRACE: Opening to Intuitive Love and Trust (pre-recorded)
Week 4 - THE PATH OF COMPASSION: Tapping into the Generosity of Spirit.
Explore how to gain agency over our lives in a world that can feel overwhelming. Featuring over 10 hours of talks & meditations from Ram Dass. As well as live zoom calls with rotating teachers. With special guest teachers Krishna Das, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, Nina Rao, and more.