Chandra and Nina share a profound appreciation for and interest in the complementary wisdom and devotional traditions of Tibet and India honoring the divine feminine. In this ongoing series they weave together mystical stories, visualizations, meditations, mantra repetition, and singing chants to offer an immersive experience of the many pathways available to us as we explore the feminine creative power that underlies our inner and outer nature.
In this November gathering of Nature of the Heart, we will learn about one of the aspects of Mother Tara who is connected to the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. Drolma Sonam Tobkye (Sanskrit: Tara Vasudhara) is golden in color like the rays of the rising sun, and like the sun, her warmth catalyzes growth and abundance, nourishing the seeds that lay waiting to come to fruition. She bestows both material and spiritual wealth to all beings without distinction. She is also known for liberating beings through the Six Perfections of generosity, ethical discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, and wisdom, noble qualities associated with the Bodhisattva Vow, the commitment to awaken and work for the welfare of all beings.
Through teachings and stories, meditation and mantra, we will open our hearts to the love and warmth of the Divine Mother through her manifestations as Tara Sonam Tobkye and Laksmi. We will immerse further in the divine energy of Srī or Lakshmi with kirtan and japa with Nina. Open to all!
Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021 | 6–8pm ET | $20 | Live-streamed via Zoom