Our Annual Global Gala is like no other, an exciting opportunity for all Yoga Gives Back (YGB) global supporters to come together to give back with a full day of inspiring programs led by YGB’s Global Ambassadors and Supporters. This Gala is the flagship event of our global campaign #OneMillionYogis engaging yoga communities from around the world.
Nina will participate at 1:00 p.m.
Dialogue “Power of Sound”: Belinda Carlisle, C.C. White, Dena Kingsberg, Nina Rao, & Felicia Tomasko (moderator)
A Snap Shot of the Day
“Namaste Award Presentation with Q&A” with Dr. Muhammad Yunus live from Bangladesh, 7 p.m. PST
Yoga sessions by top teachers including Elena Brower, Kia Miller & Kino MacGregor
Chanting and music from “A Global Gathering for India” (Replay) including Krishna Das, Deva Primal & Miten
“Ambassadors of the Year” presentation
LIVE Conferences:
“How to practice YOGA beyond the mat” : Anouk Prop, David Swenson, Harmony Slater, Nadine McNeil, Vikram Jeet Singh
“Power of Sound”: Belinda Carlisle, C.C.White, Nina Rao
“Ayurveda Self-Care in Covid time”: Anjali, Aparna Khanolkar, Kyona, Mariko Hirakawa, Vivica Schwartz
“Bhagavad Gita for Women”: Gopi Ona-Ali, Devorah Sacks,
Jaquelin Sonderling, Jeanne Heileman, Sarah Mata, Pranidhi Varshney
FREE | Register Here: