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Stories of Maharajji with Mirabai, Parvati and Radha

Stories of Maharajji with Mirabai, Parvati and Radha
Sunday, September 13th | 2-4pm New York time
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*This event is free and conducted on Zoom. Please register the link to receive your access to Zoom.*

Join us in this intimate online gathering with three friends - Mirabai Bush, Parvati Markus, and Radha Baum. They will be sharing stories about their time with Sri Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji) in India in 1970s, and his impact in their lives since.

This event will take place via Zoom. Please register in advance. A link for the call will be emailed in advance of the event. You will also receive a recording of the Satsang for replay.

The event is free, and all are welcome. Should you wish to make a donation, the women have requested you make a contribution to your local food bank. “Feed Everyone” Please see more instructions below.

Mirabai Bush:
Mirabai Bush teaches contemplative practices and develops programs through the application of contemplative principles and values to organizational life.  Her work with individuals and organizations includes entrepreneurial project management, compassionate staff-board relations, organizational leadership, public relations, communication, networking, and strategic relationship building all through the lens of contemplative practice in action. (this is from her website but I;m waitng for own 2 line bio)

Parvati Markus:
Parvati Markus is a writer/editor, author of Love Everyone, and is busily working on A Whisper in the Heart: The Ongoing Presence of Neem Karoli Baba—stories of those who had Maharajji’s darshan after he left his body.

Radha Baum:
Like Parvati and Mirabai, Radha was with Maharajji in 1971 and ’72 in India.  Now at home in New York she is working on rewriting the stories from her Maharajji diary to fill in the details. In the “old days” Radha was a Nurse Practitioner and Acupuncturist working in integrative and functional medicine.

Your Contribution:
Food insecurity during the pandemic

Millions are going hungry these days. Parents have lost their jobs. And the school meals program, which has always been the first line of defense against food insecurity for children, is hampered by schools being shuttered (with many likely to remain online only). Not all states have implemented federal nutrition programs (P-EBT benefits), and SNAP (the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly food stamps) can’t do it alone. In the first 3 months of the pandemic, more than 6 million people joined the program. Almost 43 million people (one out of every 8 Americans) now receive SNAP. And 20 million more Americans will soon lose their weekly unemployment bonus checks, which could add millions more to the rolls.

Food banks, which are meant to be an emergency plan, are now vitally important to provide food for children, families, struggling seniors, and more. The food banks are dealing with fewer staff and volunteers (who are staying safe at home) as well as disruptions in food donations from the food industry, and are having to purchase foods due to the coronavirus crisis.

Google “food bank near me” to donate to your local food bank and help to Feed Everyone.

If you or someone you know has food insecurity, call the USDA National Hunger Hotline at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273). Information is available in English and Spanish. The hotline operates Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time.

